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.NET (C#) binding for libftdi in Linux. Control USB devices using FTDI chip controllers in Linux using Mono / Raspberry PI

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This is a fork of C# Wrapper libftdinet that wraps the native libftdi from

The sample Project "RelaisCard" controls a USB Relais Card from

This Project shall help programmer to control such Card using the Raspberry PI (but it work with any other Linux Workstation too)

Have a look at:

The Card is USB powered. It provides a good isolation between mains voltage (e.g. 230V) and the low voltage part.

Everything has been tested using Raspberry Pi with Wheezy Image and the Relais Card attached.

Raspberry Power supply

Raspberry does not work stable if the 5V power supply does not provide enough power. My power supply provides 1.2 Ampere. Relais Card and WLAN Adapter are attached to the USB ports

Here we go .... until you are satisfied you should run everything as root.

Install CMAKE

apt-get update
apt-get install cmake

Install libftdi

libFTDI is an open source library to talk to FTDI chips: FT232BM, FT245BM, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT245R and FT232H including the popular bitbang mode. The library is linked with your program in userspace, no kernel driver required

git clone git://
cd libdtdi

Follow instruction from README:

 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" ../
 make install

Finally the library is at

And the header file is at: /usr/include/libftdi1/ftdi.h

Connect USB relais Card to RaspBerry PI

Verify that the relais card is recognized


The Output should include

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
cd libftdi/examples
gcc -I/usr/include/libftdi1/ -lftdi1 -o bitbang bitbang.c

Execute bitbang and watch the relais switching for a while:


You may start to create your application using C/C++

But you may also start to create your C# application and run with mono.

Here we go ....

Installing C# .NET Wrapper

We want to control the relais card using C#. We need a C# wrapper for native DLL /usr/lib/

git clone git://

Create a new C# Solution

Development Environment

Have Fun!